Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Funny Anniversary Ideas What Do You Think Is This Funny Anniversary Mistake ?

What do you think is this funny Anniversary Mistake ? - funny anniversary ideas

Ed was in difficulties. He forgot his wedding anniversary. His wife was very angry.

She said: "Tomorrow morning, I hope to receive a gift on the street, goes from 0 to 200 in under 6 seconds and it is better to find!"

The next morning Ed got up early to go to work.

When his wife woke up and looked out the window was actually a gift box wrapped in the middle of the road.

Confused, she put on her coat and ran to the entrance and took the box back home.

He opened it and found a whole new level bathroom.

Ed has been missing since Friday.


Jokes are Healthy said...

It would have used a different word, but certainly not someone let me know!

Nelson V. Gonzales said...

The scale is the only fun part! LOLLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

Me... or You said...

HA HA! Awesome.

mistymis... said...

Funny Funny Funny

Ha ha ha

The stars awarded

kaya5265... said...

Poor guy. There are tracks and Neighbors "is not seen nothing" is a patron

star 5^[]^5 angel said...

At that time the question was never answered.

Laredo said...

This is certainly fun for women, we know that the only one yet. Nice one, thank you.

my_cutie said...


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